Find similar links
Find similar links to the link provided and optionally return the contents of the pages.
Get your Exa API key
API key can be provided either via x-api-key header or Authorization header with Bearer scheme
The url for which you would like to find similar links.
Crawl date refers to the date that Exa discovered a link. Results will include links that were crawled before this date. Must be specified in ISO 8601 format.
Only links with a published date before this will be returned. Must be specified in ISO 8601 format.
List of domains to exclude from search results. If specified, no results will be returned from these domains.
List of strings that must not be present in webpage text of results. Currently, only 1 string is supported, of up to 5 words.
List of domains to include in the search. If specified, results will only come from these domains.
List of strings that must be present in webpage text of results. Currently, only 1 string is supported, of up to 5 words.
Number of results to return (up to thousands of results available for custom plans)
x < 100
Crawl date refers to the date that Exa discovered a link. Results will include links that were crawled after this date. Must be specified in ISO 8601 format.
Only links with a published date after this will be returned. Must be specified in ISO 8601 format.