Creating Enrichments
Here’s how to create enrichments (also known as Adding Columns).
Open the enrichment modal
Use the chat: you can add enrichments by prompting directly in the Chat! Or click on “Add Enrichment” in the top-right corner.
Fill in your prompt: Prompt the AI generator to have our agent fill in the fields for you, or fill in the enrichment type, title and prompt directly.
Enrichment types: text, contact information (email & phone number), date, number, options (think of these as tags!)
Cool examples of enrichments:
“Find me this candidate’s contact information” - Contact
“Do a sentiment analysis on each article” - Text or Options
“Categorize these companies by B2B or B2C” - Options
“Create a custom email based on this company’s main product”- Text
“Give me this candidate’s years of experience” - Number
“Find any public data on this company’s revenue or valuation” - Text
“What is the most powerful data point mentioned in each research paper?” - Text