Some common code you might want to use - don't miss the TypeScript tab below!

  from exa_py import Exa

  # instantiate the Exa client
  exa = Exa("YOUR API KEY")

  # basic search
  results ="This is a Exa query:")

  # autoprompted search
  results ="autopromptable query", use_autoprompt=True)

  # search with date filters
  results ="This is a Exa query:", start_published_date="2019-01-01", end_published_date="2019-01-31")

  # search with domain filters
  results ="This is a Exa query:", include_domains=["", ""])

  # search and get text contents
  results = exa.search_and_contents("This is a Exa query:")

  # search and get highlights
  results = exa.search_and_contents("This is a Exa query:", highlights=True)

  # search and get contents with contents options
  results = exa.search_and_contents("This is a Exa query:", 
                                    text={"include_html_tags": True, "max_characters": 1000}, 
                                    highlights={"highlights_per_url": 2, "num_sentences": 1, "query": "This is the highlight query:"})

  # find similar documents
  results = exa.find_similar("")

  # find similar excluding source domain
  results = exa.find_similar("", exclude_source_domain=True)

  # find similar with contents
  results = exa.find_similar_and_contents("", text=True, highlights=True)

  # get text contents
  results = exa.get_contents(["ids"])

  # get highlights
  results = exa.get_contents(["ids"], highlights=True)

  # get contents with contents options
  results = exa.get_contents(["ids"], 
                             text={"include_html_tags": True, "max_characters": 1000}, 
                             highlights={"highlights_per_url": 2, "num_sentences": 1, "query": "This is the highlight query:"})

import Exa from 'exa-js';

// Instantiate the Exa client
const exa = new Exa("YOUR API KEY");

// Basic search
const basicResults = await"This is a Exa query:");

// Autoprompted search
const autoPromptedResults = await"autopromptable query", { useAutoprompt: true });

// Search with date filters
const dateFilteredResults = await"This is a Exa query:", {
  startPublishedDate: "2019-01-01",
  endPublishedDate: "2019-01-31"

// Search with domain filters
const domainFilteredResults = await"This is a Exa query:", {
  includeDomains: ["", ""]

// Search and get text contents
const searchAndTextResults = await exa.searchAndContents("This is a Exa query:");

// Search and get highlights
const searchAndHighlightsResults = await exa.searchAndContents("This is a Exa query:", { highlights: true });

// Search and get contents with contents options
const searchAndCustomContentsResults = await exa.searchAndContents("This is a Exa query:", {
  text: { includeHtmlTags: true, maxCharacters: 1000 },
  highlights: { highlightsPerUrl: 2, numSentences: 1, query: "This is the highlight query:" }

// Find similar documents
const similarResults = await exa.findSimilar("");

// Find similar excluding source domain
const similarExcludingSourceResults = await exa.findSimilar("", { excludeSourceDomain: true });

// Find similar with contents
const similarWithContentsResults = await exa.findSimilarAndContents("", { text: true, highlights: true });

// Get text contents
const textContentsResults = await exa.getContents(["ids"]);

// Get highlights
const highlightsContentsResults = await exa.getContents(["ids"], { highlights: true });

// Get contents with contents options
const customContentsResults = await exa.getContents(["ids"], {
  text: { includeHtmlTags: true, maxCharacters: 1000 },
  highlights: { highlightsPerUrl: 2, numSentences: 1, query: "This is the highlight query:" }